Thinking & Feeling
How do you make decisions?
After you’ve gathered information, you judge it and use it to make decisions. Tick all that apply to you:
A- I firstly use a logical approach, I like to analyse and dissect
B- I firstly think of the effects of information or decisions on people
A- I find it easy to detach myself from a situation, and make objective decisions
B- I find it easy to identify with, and assume other’s emotional pain
A- I often think in terms of “cause and effect”
B- I often think in terms of “who will be affected, and how”
A- I believe in treating everybody equally
B- I believe in treating people as individuals
A- I keep cool and calm in difficult situations
B- I get easily involved and carried away in difficult situations
A- I am more firm-minded than gentle-hearted
B- I am more gentle-hearted than firm-minded
A- I think it’s more important to be right than to be liked
B- For me it’s more important to be liked than to be right
A- I don’t mind confrontation at work, it often means we come up with a better solution
B- I don’t like confrontations, or anything that may break the harmony and connection between people
A- I like to step out of situations to get an objective perspective
B- I often step into situations to experience its effects on other people and my personal values
A- People sometimes view me as critical, logical and questioning
B- People see me as accepting, fair-minded and sensitive.
What does it mean?
Those with a Thinking preference are objective and think in terms of cause and effect. Those with a preference for Feeling may make equally rational decisions, but based on personal values.
People with a Thinking preference mark mostly A’s. Those with a Feeling preference, choose mostly B’s.
You use both the Thinking and the Feeling function, but one of them will feel more natural, one of them will come first to you. Unfortunately the terms Thinking and Feeling often lead to misunderstandings. I’d like to emphasize that both types think and feel. What we are talking about is the process one prefers in making a decision.
If you are still unsure, check the boxes below and see which one gets closer to your natural tendencies.
T – “What’s the logic behind?”
Step out of situations
Objective logic
Cause and effect
Look for flaws in logic
Focus on results
Help others by giving solutions
F- “How will this affect me and others?”
Steps into situations
Human values & motives
Personal values
Looks for harmony, common ground
Focus on process
Help others by empathising
What is your preference? What do you find frustrating about people with a different preference? What can you learn from them? How do you think this influences your work? Now that you are on a roll, read the last chapter: Judging & Perceiving
Not sure what is your preference? Would you like to know more about your personality and how you can excel in your chosen job? Contact Coach Marien now for a FREE Career Coaching Consultation.