Sensing & Intuition
How do you gather information?
Sensing (S) and Intuition (N), refer to how you naturally gather information. You may not have thought about this, but how you collect information is essential to your decision making, and to your functioning in life and at work.
Tick all those that apply:
A- I like to focus on what is real, the facts
B- I like to think of the possibilities, what could be
A- I am present oriented
B- I am future oriented
A- I believe in: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
B- I believe that there is always a better way to do things. Even if things are working, I often try different approaches
A- I enjoy taking care of details. I see when something is missing, and like to add the last details to a piece of work
B- I get bored with details. I can work with details, but I don’t particularly enjoy it and get tired soon
A- I find it easier to see the “trees” than the “forest”. I can get lost in the detail, and find it hard to detach myself and see the bigger picture
B- I enjoy seeing the big picture, meanings and associations. I often ask “what does this mean?” or “how does this relate to the bigger picture?”
A- I trust experience
B- I trust inspiration
A- I like clear, concise instructions. When I give directions I make sure they are precise.
B- I like to improvise. When I give directions, my instructions are rather short and general.
A- Others perceive me as methodical, certain and detail oriented
B- Others tell me I am imaginative and unconventional
A- I like specificity, details, and action plans
B- I like goals, models and ideas
People with a Sensing preference tend to answer mainly A’s. People with an Intuition preference, mainly B’s.
What does it mean?
Sensing and Intuition functions relate to how you perceive information and what kind of information is initially attractive to you.
“Sensors” prefer sensory, factual data, recognised through their senses. “Intuitors” prefer abstract data, links and patterns which they access via their intuition.
If you are confused at this stage, don’t worry, it often happens. Check the keyword lists below and see which one reflects you better.
S – “stick to the facts”
What is real, facts
Trust experience
Like clear, concrete instructions
N – “what does it mean?”
What could be, possibilities, innovation
Abstract, meanings, associations
Trust inspiration
Like to improvise
What’s your preference? What do you find frustrating about people with a different preference? What can they teach you? How does this affect your work? Once you’ve answered this, move on to Thinking & Feeling.
Or if you want to know more about how to make the most of your personality at work, give me a call on 01865 751 432 (Oxford), or email Marien Perez, Career Coach.