This leadership styles quiz is freely available for non-commercial use. Just link to it from your website and you’re set to go. Feel free to share.
Since this leadership quiz has not been designed as a research tool, it’s not recommended for dissertations, thesis and the like.
The leadership styles quiz is based on Daniel Goleman’s theory:

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Very good tool. I want to use it in my PhD thesis if you permit. Thanks
Hi Alasdair – this is indeed a great tool for your thesis. What is your subject? is it related to 3 Principles coaching and leadership?
I’m pretty proud to know what kind of a leader I am.
I’m so grateful for your feedback—fantastic to hear you enjoyed the leadership style assessment!
It is great knowing what type of a leader I am.
Thank you Lozi. I’m thrilled to hear that you found the leadership style quiz useful to assess the type of leader you are.
Very informative and useful leadership quiz
Many thanks Saeeda.
Great to hear!
A very good tool for leadership style assessment.
I agree that this is a very good tool for leadership assessment, evaluation and development.
Thank you so much for letting me know that you find the Leadership style assessment helpful Jasmine. All the best! Marien
Very good for this training and Leadership Styles Quiz to give me more experience for the future
It is quite interesting way to assess the leadership roles in you .
Many thanks for your kind words!
This is wonderful training about Leadership Styles.
Thank you Anju!! Great to hear that this Leadership Style Quiz is useful to you. All the best, Marien
It was a nice takeaway to identify and know what kind of leader I am
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I’m delighted the leadership style quiz proved valuable to you.
It is interesting way to assess the leadership qualities .
Thank you for taking our Leadership Style Quiz Zahid!
Thank you for taking our Leadership Style assessment Anju. I’m happy to learn that you found it interesting.
It was an amazing leadership style questionnaire
This is excellent way to develop
Thank you for your feedback on this leadership style quiz Andrew. I’m thrilled that you find it helpful.
An amazing leadership style questionnaire
Thank you Sadia!
Wonderful leadership style test
Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m thrilled to hear that you found the leadership style test useful.
Many thanks for your kind words. It’s wonderful to hear the leadership style test resonated with you!
Hi, I really loved the assessment. I am seeking permission to use it with our senior managers who will be exploring a coaching management style of behaviour as part of a wider aim of developing a culture of of coaching within our organisation.
Hi Sue – I’m delighted to hear that you like Leadership Styles the assessment. Please feel free to use it with your senior managers – you can reference Daniel Goleman when you do so.
I love Goleman’s theory. I have been looking for a self assessment tool for a while. I am going to be working with some senior healthcare managers in South Africa. Is it OK to use your questionnaire? I was going to create my own but yours is perfect.
Hi Paulette – it’s great to hear that you like this Leadership Style Assessment. Thank you for asking for permission to use it. Yes, you may use it in SA. I hope it goes really well for you. All the best, Marien
We definately need more smart people like you around.
Hi Marien,
I am working on a presentation on leadership styles and would like to use this as well. You did a wonderful job with it, would you mind if I used it as well?
Hi Dave – yes sure, use it. Just mention the source and offer a link to the website so people can find more where it came from. Regards, Marien
I thought your self assessment was great, simple but insightful and if you give permission I would very much like to use it with 6 of our senior managers who have been exploring coaching and management styles as part of a wider aim of developing a coaching management and leadership style within the business.
Kind regards
Yes, you can use it Peter. Just mention the source and a link to the website for those interested in similar resources. Thanks for asking.
I am currently writing my Master Thesis at the University of Applied Sciences in Kempten, Germany. For my final thesis, I am examining the relation between generations and their preferred emotional leadership style. The aim of this project is to explore if generation X and generation Y prefer different emotional leadership styles. Therefore I would like to ask you if can use your questionnaire, because it fits perfect.
Thank you. Regards Markus
Yes, of course you can use it Markus. Just quote the source, as I’m sure you would anyway.
Hi, Can I use this leadership style assessment in my study???My study is about leadership styles of student leaders. Where can I find the whole instruction of your questionniare? Thanks.
Hi Kim – yes, you can use this leadership style assessement if you acknowledge the sources. It is an adaptation from Daniel Goleman “The New Leaders” book. That’s where you can find out more. Best of luck! Marien
Comment *Obrigada por disponibilizar a ferramenta. É muito bom questionar as próprias atitudes para autoconhecimento e desenvolver habilidades.
Muito obrigada Cristina. I’m very happy that you found this leadership style assessment helpful 🙂
That’s more than sensible! That’s a great leadership style assessment!
Hi! I am currently taking up BS Psychology and doing my Thesis. One my variable is Leadership style of employees. May I kow if I can use your test? And have the assessment tool on how to measure it? 🙂
Hoping for your positive response. Thank you. 🙂
Hi Grace! yes, you are welcome to use this leadership style assessment. Please quote Daniel Goleman so people know where it comes from. All the best 🙂
Was really great to learn .
Thank you for your feedback on the Leadership Style questionnaire Rosa! So glad that you’ve enjoyed learning about different leadership styles. Be well, Marien
Hi, can i use this questionnaire in my thesis about causal relationship between leadership style and career development of an employee? This is perfect tool for my paper. Thanks.
Hi Jeffrey – yes, sure you can use the leadership style assessment. Please offer the sources so people know where it comes from. Glad to hear it’s perfect for your paper!
Hi Marien! I have been looking for something like this leadership style assessment for years since reading the related HBR article? May I too use it to implement? In case you don’t respond to these anymore, I have noted that you have permitted use as long as I cite the sources and link to your site and I will do that. Great info!
Hi Crystal – yes, you are welcome to use it. Please quote Daniel Goleman and link the “Leadership Style Assessment” to this website.
All the best,
Hi Marien
May I please use this leadership style assessment within a Uni presentation for senior nurses which I’m soon to deliver?It’s just what I’ve been looking for. I’ll cite the source and links. Many thanks Elaine
Hi Elaine – yes, you may use the Leadership Style Assessment for your senior nurses presentation. Please quote sources and offer a link to this website so people can find out more. Thank you for asking, and I hope it goes really well 🙂
This Leadership Styles assessment is great and just what I have been looking for to include on a leadership course I am creating for a global engineering business, is it OK for me to use it please?
Hi Corrina – so glad that this Leadership Style Assessment meets your needs. Yes, you may use it – or even you can use the automated one which is going life as I write. Please remember to provide a link and quote the source so people know where to go to find out more.
All the best.
This is a great staff
Thank you Smith. I’m really glad that you like the leadership style assessment.
All the best,
Thanks for your work here, Marien. I like the Goleman leadership styles a lot. A couple of questions please? 1) Did you write the questions or are these Goleman questions which you have structured and formatted? 2) Is there a printed version of the questionnaire please for people without online access (if so, what are the costs/terms of use please)?
Hi Simon – thanks for checking the Leadership Styles Assessment. In answer to your questions:
1- The theory is from Goleman, but I have developed the assessment.
2- Currently the only version available is online. You are welcome to use this.
Best regards,
Thanks Marien, if you wanted to develop a paper version of your assessment, I’d be very happy to work with you on this (at no cost to your firm). I’m very happy to transfer the algorithm to a questionnaire and scoring sheet for you. It would remain your IP. My firm has a client with whom we’re looking at Goleman leadership styles, but the client won’t have realtime online access, which means we can’t use web-based tools. Best regards, Simon
Hi Marien! This Leadership quiz is amazing! I was hoping i could possibly use this for our organization’s leadership education & training. Is it OK that i utilize this quiz? I most definitely will cite accordingly with links.
Thank You!
Hi Andrea – so glad to hear you like this Leadership Style Quiz. You are welcome to use it by either linking to it from your website, or giving participants a direct link to this website. All the best, Marien
good Leadership Style quiz
Great to hear you like the Leadership Styles Quiz Robin. Thank you for letting me know.
I would like to use this for leadership training in our org. Are you OK with this? Happy to cite your website and work here.
Hi Tom – I’m delighted to hear that you would like to use this Leadership Style Assessment in your organisation. Feel free to use it by either linking to it from your website, or giving participants a direct link to this website.
Best regards,
Very useful leadership assessment form,May I know if I can use this from the point of employee to assess their leader’s style?
Hi Thura – I’m happy to hear that you find this leadership style assessment useful. Yes, you may use it via this website for your employees.
Best regards, Marien
Hi Ms. Marien, I am currently taking up BS Industrial Psychology and doing our thesis about Six emotional leadership styles of the managers. May I please use this leadership style assessment as a questionnaire on our research? And do you have the assessment tool on how to measure it?
Thank you 🙂
Hi Angela – you are welcome to use this Leadership Styles Quiz as is on the website. So good that it’s of help to you!
All the best, Marien
Omg…this is so great! Ma’am if it is ok. May I use this questionnaire for our thesis in our school.
and also I would like to ask on how do I get the date and how to measure if it is ok! Thanks
Dear Azhriel – so glad that the Leadership Styles Quiz is helpful to you! You are more than welcome to use it as it is on this website.
Best wishes, Marien
Hi Marien
Thank you for this. It brings out the leadership style in me. I am currently writing my dissertation on Leadership style and using Goleman’s leadership model. I find your questionnaire very appropriate helpful and accurately measures one’s leadership style which I am going assuming that I have your permission because I can see you don’t mind. My question though is this, how can I argue in favour of the validity and reliability of the assessment?
Thank you
Hi Yaw – I’m glad that you like this Leadership Style Quiz. Please keep in mind that this is a general indicator, rather than a tool to be used in dissertations or research. You are still welcome to use it, as it is, via this website.
Hi Marien,
This is a great tool to get a general indication of leadership styles. Thank you! I’m using Goleman’s theory of leadership styles in my dissertation and wondered if it would be ok to use this in my research? I will of course reference the source of the quiz.
Many thanks!
Hi Katie – it looks like your message has been duplicated. Yes, you may use the Leadership Styles assessment through this website.
All the best,
Hi Marien,
This is great! Can I just check if I’m ok to use it for my dissertation? I’m using Goleman’s leadership styles for my research so this would be a really great tool to use. I will of course reference the website. Hope that’s ok!
Thank you
Hi Katie – thank you for getting in touch. I’m delighted that you like the Leadership Styles Quiz.
Yes, you may use it through this website as it is currently offered. Please note that it has been designed as an indicator for leadership development (to use in leadership workshops, coaching etc), and not as a research tool.
Wishing you all the best with your dissertation,
Hi I am Claudine and I am working on my thesis. May I ask permission to use the leadership style assessment as my questionnaire. Thanks.
Hi Claudine – it looks like your message has been duplicated. Please see my answer below.
All the best,
Good day..I am Claudine and I am writing my study and the leadership style assessment is the questionnaire that I like to use in my study. May I ask permission to use the leadership style assessment?
Dear Claudine – thank you for your message. It’s a pleasure to hear that you find this leadership style assessment useful.
Please note that the quiz is designed for leadership development (to use in leadership workshops, facilitation and coaching). It is not as a research tool. Therefore I do not recommend it for those writing a thesis, dissertation or similar.
It is your choice to use it in any way want via this website. If you need proof of permission you may take a screen-print of this page.
Wishing you all the best with your thesis,
Hi Nicola – thank you for getting in touch.
This leadership assessment tool is offered for free – therefore falls under “fair use” and does not need specific permissions. It is not intended for commercial use as that would infringe Copyright law.
Wishing you all the best with your leadership management programme,
Your assessment of leadership style is great. Can I use this in my thesis as an instrument to determine the leadership styles of school heads? Thank you
By the way, I want to use this leadership style assessment in my questionnaire. It would perfectly fit in my study.
It is very useful leadership styles assessment, I will use it
Where do I access the survey?
Hi Greg – to access the leadership styles assessment, click on the button “Leadership Styles Quiz”, and follow the instructions.
More Leadership skills required
Great insight and information. Really after having the assessment and seeing the results I saw myself ,it is so true.
Very interesting tool, thanks for this.
There seems to be a technical issue though, the total scores at the end mixes up the democratic with the affiliative score in vs the detailed scores.
Hi Umut
Many thanks for letting me know. I’ll check the leadership style assessment and see if I can replicate the issue.
Best regards,
Great stuff for leadership development and executive coaching
Hello, Marien! We would like to utilize this quiz as is, via this site, as a supplemental resource in our community leadership programs in our continuing education office on campus, which uses other Daniel Goleman resources, as well. Could we have your permission to use your quiz, please?
Hello Kelly – thank you for checking with me. Yes, you may use the Leadership Style Assessment as a supplemental resource in your Community Leadership Programmes. Please remember to reference Daniel Goleman and his work as I’m sure you already do with his other resources. I very much hope it’s helpful to you and to your students. Best wishes, Marien
Thank you very much!
The way of leadership style assessment was great, I myself did realize some of the leadership issues in I am having.
Would I be able to have access to this assessment for my Leadership course that I am currently doing?
Hi Elisabeth – thanks for your message. Since the Leadership Style Assessment is based on Daniel Goleman’s model, it can only be used for non for profit purposes. I hope this works for you. All the best, Marien
Thanks – great leadership assessment
Thanks for the feedback Alex. It’s so good to know that you find it useful. What other leadership assessments do you like?
I am very happy about this leadership style quiz as it emphasis on leadership and the assessment that are very helpful.
Thank you very much for your feedback Felix. I’m delighted that you’ve found the leadership style quiz helpful.
I really appreciate your feedback—so glad to know the leadership style quiz was helpful for you!
So glad to hear that this leadership style assessment tool is helpful to you Heryani – how are you using it?
This is helpful tool. I look forward to learning more about developing my leadership skills.
I look forward to learning more about using this leadership style assessment to develop my leadership skills.
Interesting Leadership Style assessment!
Thank you for sharing this leadership style test!
Very interesting and useful assessment.
Hi Ms. Marien,
I’m a Graduate School student from Wesleyan University-Philippines. I’m currently doing my thesis about Goleman’s Emotional Leadership Styles and found your leadership assessment quiz to be helpful. May I ask your permission if I can use this in my study? I will of course reference the website.
Thank you!
Ruth Abigail Guinto
Hi Ruth – thank you for your message. What a great topic, Goleman’s Leadership Styles, for a thesis!
You may use this Leadership Style questionnaire on your thesis, although please note that it has not been designed with research in mind. I trust that you will reference Dr Goleman and his book as well.
Wishing you the very best,
The result of the Leadership Style quiz was surprising to me. Did not expect that my management style is pacesetting
Hi Ricky – thanks for your comment! Yes, our leadership style can be surprising at times. All the best, Marien
The result of the Leadership Style quiz was surprising to me. Did not expect that my management style is pacesetting
Hi Marien, this looks like a very useful leadership style assessment! On this page I read the following “Since this leadership quiz has not been designed as a research tool, it’s not recommended for dissertations, thesis and the like.” However in the commons I read your responds to people that they may use it for their thesis. I am currently working on my thesis about Goleman and his leadership styles and I am looking for an assessment I can use. I would like to use your assessment (if you allow me to of course) but I am not sure due to your statement about the assessment. Could you tell me if the statement above is (still) relevant for the leadership style test?
Hi Ebie – thank you for getting in touch. I’m glad to hear you found the leadership style assessment useful 🙂
Yes, you are right that I have agreed to people using the tool for their thesis if they choose to do so (it’s their thesis and their choice). You may use it too. This leadership style tool has not been developed for that purpose though, as there are a whole series of tests to run to ensure it is reliable (eg. test-retest reliability, or internal consistency) That’s why the message is there.
Thank you very much for checking with me. I wish you the very best with your thesis.
Thank you for your response Marien!
Hi. I am doing my postgraduate in Leadership studying Goleman and this tool is amazing in assessing leadership styles. Quite eye-opening actually. Can I please be permitted to use this for my assessment in my Leadership unit?
Hi Sharon – please be aware that this leadership style questionnaire has not been designed for research. But as long as you give due credit and refer to Doctor Goleman, you may use it.
Wishing you the best with your thesis,
Hi Marien, I am undertaking my postgraduate and currently learning leadership, especially relating to Goleman leadership styles. I am wondering if I can have your permission to use your leadership quiz in my leadership assessment? Regards Sharon
Hi Sharon – please see my other reply on using this Goleman leadership styles quiz on your thesis.
Best regards,
Hi Marien,
Thank for building this quiz. The results which I received back were interesting in that I don’t appear to have a dominant leadership style. I received equal marks for Commanding, Coaching and Pacesetting. The remaining leadership styles were just a point or two lower than these. I would be interested to understand your interpretation of this. Does it mean that I’m able to switch leadership styles based on the situation being faced?
Many thanks Cal
Hi Cal – thanks for getting in touch. From the way you responded to the Leadership quiz questions it looks like you are able to utilise all the different leadership styles. The question still remaining is: are you using them at the right time, when they are likely to support the outcome you seek? You may want to reflect on that, so you can capitalise on your ability to flex and adapt your leadership style.
Cheers, Marien
I found the Leadership Style assessment to be helpful and insightful, I am in the early days of understanding my staff, their needs and to understand their ways of working to better support them in their roles. I am also learning the organisations needs in relation to expectations and goals.
Very good leadership style assessment.
I search for leadership style questionnaire for my post graduation and I found this. Thank you for giving me this experience.
It makes me realize that I haven’t a clear leadership yet. My staff surely don’t know what to do with me, I’m a person who cant express easily about my difficulty and cant criticize people straightforwardly.
Please let me use this as my reference about my thesis.
Hi Retno – thank you so much for your message. I’m delighted that this Leadership Style Questionnaire has been helpful to you – that’s the idea! Yes, you may use it as a reference. Best wishes, Marien
This leadership style questionnaire is helpful to support my self-awareness and learning as a senior leader
Thank you very much for your feedback on the Leadership Styles quiz Maher. All the best, Marien
This leadership style questionnaire is helpful to support my self-awareness and learning as a project manager.
Thank you for sharing this Leadership Style test. Really helpful.
This was really helpful to see! Great Leadership Style questionnaire
I am reaching out to seek your permission to use the organizational dynamics survey as a part of our undergrad research at Tarlac State University in the Philippines.
We have thoroughly reviewed your survey and believe that it aligns perfectly with the objectives of our study. Your expertise in this field is highly regarded, and we are confident that utilizing your survey instrument will significantly contribute to the depth and quality of our research findings.
Hi Lianne – thank you for getting in touch. I’m glad to hear that the leadership style survey aligns with the objectives of your study. Yes, you may use it for your research although please note that it was not designed for that purpose, and remember to reference Daniel Goleman. Best regards, Marien
Hi Ma’am Marien,
I’m a student at Tarlac State University currently pursuing a undergrad thesis on the topic “Leadership Management Style of Chief Probation Officer: Implications to Organizational Dynamics.” I am reaching out to seek your permission to use the leadership styles assessment quiz as a part of our research.
We sincerely appreciate your consideration of our request and look forward to receiving your positive response at your earliest convenience.
Best regards,
Hi Lianne – please see my reply below in regards to the leadership style quiz. Best regards, Marien
very helpful leadership assessment tool
Indeed this was interesting to assess my leadership style
Indeed this was interesting!
Ok Leadership Style Assessment
Very good to know where I can gain more skills about leadership styles. Great
Thank you Genora for your trust and willingness to try this Leadership Style Assessment.
Thank you for the opportunity provided
Shama, you are most welcome.
I agree
Thanks for using our Leadership Assessment Imaan!
I was amazed to see that i was mostly following the right path
That’s really good to hear Lubna – you must have a good sense of your leadership style.
Thanks for sharing the document. I’m aware more about the skills I need to acquire as a leader .
Thank you Rabia! I’m happy this leadership style quiz has made you more aware as a leader.
Hi. If I ask my employees to evaluate my leadership style by attempting this survey, how would i get their results?
Hi Attia – thanks for your message. That’s a good idea to have your employees fill the leadership questionnaire for you! Although this is not part of the free service we provide, you can just ask them to complete the Leadership Style survey themselves and show you the results. Best regards, Marien
I’m glad to find the leadership style assessment extremely valuable.
Thank you Barira! That is fantastic feedback about our leadership style quiz.